Sleep Easy With External Blinds

Sleeping Patterns | Caribbean Blinds | External Blinds | Roller Blinds | Blinds

Are you getting your 8 hours? Sleep is integral to ensuring we have a productive day and not getting enough can leave us feeling tired and sometimes grouchy, and a consistent lack of sleep can even have an impact on our health & wellbeing. 

Creating the perfect sleep setting is recommended to keep us at our full potential, this includes regulating the room temperature. Our body temperature will begin to decrease as we near our bedtime to initiate sleep, which is why it is vital to maintain a cool body temperature. If the room temperature is too hot then this will affect our sleeping pattern, making it difficult to drift off. Our body temperature will begin to rise nearer the morning as we prepare to wake up. 

If you are sleeping in an east facing room during the summer months then your sleeping pattern may be disrupted due to the early sun rises causing unwanted solar heat gain and increasing your room temperature, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere making you hot and sweaty, enough to unsettle your routine for the day ahead. 

Opening the windows will circulate the air but this will not resolve the real issue which is the solar radiation entering your living space at sun rise. Internal blinds are a solution, but they are not the most effective as the suns near infra-red rays are still penetrating through the glass which is then being absorbed by the blinds along with interior fixtures and furnishings and generating heat internally. Unless you protect the external side of the glazing you will not maintain a cool setting for a good night’s sleep. 

External Blinds | External Roller Blinds | Blinds | Caribbean Blinds

By applying Antiguan External Roller Blinds, the most effective shading solution proven to combat solar heat gain, you will effectively deflect and absorb the sun’s energy keeping the glazing protected thus making your internal room temperature cool and free from overheating when the sun rises. The properties of the sophisticated blind fabric have been engineered for external use, blocking upto 97% of the sun’s shortwave radiation. With interior blinds in an average double-glazed home there will be a 54% heat transmission and when you compare that to the very low 3% from external blinds you can see where your investment should go in order to create a healthy living space.

With the option to integrate light sensors, heat sensors and Smart hubs for fully automatic automation, you can ensure that your home stays at a cool and comfortable temperature throughout the day. Say goodbye tounwanted solar heat gain and early wake up calls. 

If you would like to enhance your home with our smart window applications, then call one of our knowledgeable advisers today on 0344 800 1947 or alternatively you can use our price enquiry form to generate an estimate for your requirements.

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