Pro Landscaper Business Awards 2023 in Association With Caribbean Blinds a Resounding Success

It was great to return to the Pro Landscaper Business Awards on Friday as headline sponsors for the 2nd year running.

Organised by Eljays, these prestigious awards bring together the landscape community to celebrate exceptional businesses in the sector over a number of different categories. At its new venue of Old Billingsgate, a record number of more than 550 people attended this much-anticipated event.

These awards are about much more than just great garden designs, they are about recognising forward-thinking companies who invest in their people, processes, equipment, technology, etc. A phrase commonly used at Caribbean Blinds is ‘striving for excellence’, and it is because of this synergy that we are proud to continue to sponsor these vital awards.

Firstly, we must offer a huge congratulations to Nicholsons Ltd, who was unveiled as the Supreme Winner, as well as the award for Landscape Company Over £5m Turnover. The judges described their “clear vision and approach to staff training, CSR, technology use and future growth plans” with “excellent initiatives,” and we couldn’t agree more.

Two new categories were also introduced for 2023: Apprentice of the Year, won by Chloe Ryman of Azpects, and New Company (Under 2 Years Old), won by Utopia Landscapes.

As well as the above, we would like to congratulate the following for winning their respective categories: Glendale Countryside Ltd, Landscapia Ltd, Connick Tree Care, Provender Nurseries Ltd, Ground Control Ltd, YGS Landscapes, Fira Landscape Ltd, Conquest Creative Spaces, Tony Benger Landscaping Ltd, Mitie Landscapes, Rachel Bailey Garden Design Ltd, and Rosebank Landscaping.

Additionally, we were pleased to be presented with the best Supplier and Service Provider to the industry award, which is great recognition for our team who everyday work tirelessly to deliver exceptional quality products and unparalleled service to the sector.

Our Managing Director, Stuart Dantzic, commented “These awards are more important now than ever! Customers value accolades, and being an award-winning company can be the difference between winning an order or not. Consumers want more bang for their buck particularly during the current cost of living crisis. They want reasons to justify value for money. I’m honoured Caribbean Blinds continues to support these awards, which are the only awards in the sector which focus on how well companies run their business!

Congratulations to all the winners and of course the Caribbean Blinds team. We’re already counting down the days to the Pro Landscaper Business Awards 2024, taking place on the 19th April!”.

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