Louvered Pergolas

Is your Commercial Property Alfresco Ready?

The arrival of spring always brings a change in the atmosphere and a change in people. Sunshine and colourful landscapes tends to coincide with people’s moods, after enduring the dark cold winter for month’s spring is always a blessing that brings excitement…

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Outdoor Living in Spring

Spring is a season that many of us long for after enduring an extensive cold winter, when the first flower blooms to bring colour to the landscape, hope fills our hearts as we look forward to a brighter…

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Fall in Love with Outdoor Living

Alfresco is a word that is often associated with the summer season, the Outdoor Living Pod™ is modern garden feature that lifts those restrictions and brings it back to…

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Outdoor Living Winter Warmer

Most homeowners around the UK will neglect their gardens during the colder seasons, as it is not advisable to spend time outside…

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New Year, New Garden

The New Year is great time of the year to make changes and set goals to better ourselves and the environment around us, whether it is to live a healthier lifestyle or…

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